Friday, July 30, 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

OK, so I am FINALLY getting to loading up the nameplates for the school!!  I stamped/embossed their names on each one.  I just have to get to the school to get them laminated now. 

I am also going to show you the tags that I made for their Halloween bags.  I wish I could say that this was my idea, but in fact, I got the idea from Chin' n Scratch Live.  Hers looks 10x better, but these bags are going to be given to a group of 4th graders and I know that they will be going into the trash, so I didn't want to spend too much money on them, but still wanted them to look really cute.  So, this is what I came up with! :)  I used my Sports Mania cart to cut the grass in black and that is what made the hair.  The eyes and eyelids were 1/2 inch circles.  The eyelids were cut in half.  The eyes were 1/2 inch ovals.  I stamped Happy Halloween on the back of each tag.  The tag was cut from the Christmas Cheer cart, but there are tons of carts that have tags on them.

The last couple of things were just thrown together, but I like them.  One, we just had a baby a few months ago, so what am I going to do with all those formula cans??!!  So, I covered them!  We have 6 groups in each class, and they need a basket of sort to sit on their desk with their glue, crayons, tape, pens, etc.  So, in come the formula cans LOL

Lastly, I saw on Kristina Werner's site that she had the idea of creating a notebook.  I took the coordinating paper to the nameplates and the cans and made mini notebooks.  I took white copy paper, cut it down to 3 inches and then put patterened 3 inch paper on top of it.  I used staple bars and their stapler to bind them together.  Then I just added their names to the outside.  I think it will make a good addition to their goody bags.

OK, have a workshop to go to...which I will now be late for:)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

So far Behind!

I am so far behind in everything...blogging, scrapbooking, journaling, etc...I don't think I will ever be able to get fully caught up to what is going on in my life!  As you can tell, it has been a month sinceI have blogged sad!  Alot has happened - ok, so not a whole bunch LOL  AJ is really smiling alot and is now starting to get to the "I am interested in toys and anything that moves" stage.  Now is when it really starts heading towards fun times.  He still doesn't like to be in the car seat, which is the hardest thing when we are a family that GOES all of the time.  We still don't know if Brayden is going to get into school or not..waiting to hear on that, but it may be another 2 weeks before we find anything out.  We aren't counting on it, so we are really trying to not get his hopes up for it.  He really wants to go so bad!

On a scrap note - I am really having to do a lot of my work for the school year from home.  Our school is getting a new ventilation system in and there is like no ceiling in our building, which looks so crazy when you walk through it! So, due to this, they have cut off of the air and there is no privacy to really work in our rooms.  So, now we are on deadline of less than 1 month before open house and nobody has been allowed to go back and get stuff together for the school year.  As a teacher, I can tell you this takes SO much time...and we don't get any of it! 

So, to prepare, I thought, why not use my cricut??!!  And I did!  I made their beginning of the year goody bags using Create A Critter apple on the front and made it a topper like I saw Robyn on MPS do.  It is so cute!  I also made their nameplates for their desks using stamps and embossing them - I am really loving VersaMark ink and embossing items.  I also saw Kristina Werner's blog where she made notebooks for her niece I believe.  So, I did, too!  I used the staple bars to hold the paper together. They were so easy to do and took a little to no materials.  I just used a gel pen to write their names on the front. Lastly, and my favorite, we decorate our doors with the kids names.  This year, I am decorating mine with the CAC theme - the door will say Mrs. Socia's Critters.  I have used the CAC cartridge for all of this.  I made the large sun and every student has their own animal from the cart.  The animals all have some form and color of stickles on them to bling it out some LOL.  They are all on 4" or 5" circles - except the alligator, which is huge and had to be on an 8" circle.  On each circle, I wrote the students names in a black marker or a silver gel pen.  I will post pics of the door once I am able to get back to the classroom to actually put it all up.  I will put the notebooks and nameplates up on Friday.

 I totally love all of the cute projects that I will be able to do this year.  I was so motivated that I have already created their tags for their Halloween and Christmas gifts using my cricut.  I will post those as we get closer to the season.  I have just really loved YouTube in finding all of these great blogs and ideas.  I didn't realize there was such an intense scrappin internet world out there! Now, I can't seem to get away from it! :)